The Five-Year Entrepreneur Retreat The Five-Year Entrepreneur Retreat Quote

The 5YE Retreat

Dom is running an exclusive three-day residential seminar, or 'retreat', for ambitious professional service firm entrepreneurs. During the event, you will explore in some detail the action steps required to build value into your business.

Welcome To The Five-Year Entrepreneur


This site is for budding and current professional service firm entrepreneurs who seek to build life-changing value in their business.

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The Five-Year Entrepreneur Concept

The Concept

The Five-Year Entrepreneur series is a set of learning modules (guides and related resources) which together provide a step-by-step approach to building a successful - and valuable - professional service business.

The Five-Year Entrepreneur Benefits

The benefits

The systematic approach and 'top tips' presented in this series will give business owners confidence that they are building in value from the start. Closely followed, this guidance will take your business quickly to a high valuation.


Wonderfully logical and coherent guides marrying textbook theory, working models, actual experience and the all-important human side of the challenge.

Rupert Tobin, Director, 100%Cotton Ltd.

I found the Five-Year Entrepreneur Guides an excellent summary of the practical solutions required to building a successful, small-to-medium-sized consulting business. I can see them becoming a well thumbed text.

Tim Phillips, Global Partner, Molten and winner of the London and South East IOD Director of the year 2012

If running a successful consultancy or small business is your aspiration then this practical, ‘how to’ set of guides is highly recommended.

Tanya Lightbody, Director, Ingenuity Inspired Limited

The guides have been of enormous, practical help. They have brought hugely valuable clarity, focus, and creative ideas to our business; just as importantly, they've helped re-energise us at critical times in our development.

Nick Fletcher, Director, Vivendi Consulting (Australia)

Dom has condensed a wealth of critical experience, anecdotes and advice into a really practical, concise set of guides ... relevant for any aspiring professional services owner or frankly those of us who have been doing this for a few years!

Andy Marsh, Managing Director, Suiko Ltd

These guides are essential reading for anyone setting up in business, particularly in the field of professional services. I strongly recommend them.

Bob Hendicott, Hendicott Partnership Ltd

Dom has absolutely captured the need to manage the growth of a business like a project with clear objectives and deliverables, supported by robust and effective systems.

Paul Wilson, Managing Director, Provelio Limited

Informative, practical, inspirational, based as it is on the genuine experience of someone who has done what it says on the tin.

Giles Johnson, Director, CIL

This set of guide modules would have saved us years in terms of the journey, £000s in terms of avoiding the common pitfalls and a head full of grey hair in terms of frustration!

Pete Austin, Director, Suiko Limited

About The Five-Year Entrepreneur

About Dom

I set myself the goal of building a professional service business I could realise life-changing value from ... within five-years of start-up. I achieved this aim and it is the gathered insights, experiences, anecdotes and practical steps of so doing that I want to share here with you.


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