
Welcome to my Blog Page. These posts seek to cover the broad panoply of issues, conundrums and thoughts that occupy the professional service entrepreneur’s mind.

A combination of extracts from my guides and current musings (often provoked by recent happenings at the great companies I now advise to), my aim is to inform and motivate all those who seek to build high performing teams and successful businesses.

I also enjoy responding to specific reader questions … so please feedback and let me know where you would like my mental meanderings to wander to next.

How do you earn the right to charge premium rates?

How do you earn the right to charge premium rates?

In reply to a recent blog post, one of the 5YE Community Members (Ian) raised the following question … What I would be keen to get your perspective on is how you feel you go about differentiating your professional services firm, which is ultimately selling professionals’ time under a brand banner, from a firm that […]

Important Others

Starting your own business? Bear in mind the ‘Important Others’.

If you are in the final/serious stages of considering starting-up your own professional service firm,  this is a really important blog post. I am not sure I thought about the issue of ‘Important Others’ enough when I set off on my entrepreneurial journey and I very nearly paid for this lack of foresight. Don’t do […]

Do entrepreneurs need to have a 'love of people'?

Do entrepreneurs need to have a ‘love of people’?

Welcome to the latest blog in my series on building a successful consulting business. In this piece, I address the topic of ‘Love of People’ – as another important consideration to weigh up if you are considering starting up your own professional service company. ‘Love of people’ may seem to some readers a pretty florid […]

Do you have the right appetite for work?

Do you have a sufficient ‘appetite for work’ to be a successful entrepreneur?

In this blog posting, I address the topic of ‘Appetite for Work’ – as another important consideration to weigh up if you are considering starting up your own company. Appetite for Work There is no doubt about it; owning and running a professional services business is hard work – brutally so on occasion. Of course, […]